2016年6月21日 星期二

What Has Happened to Taoyuan-the RCA Event

    Issues which industrialization have caused like water pollution, air pollution and earth pollution, may be the most important challenge countries have to face nowadays. Taiwan is also suffered from these terrible problems. For instance, RCA event, also known as RCA water and earth pollution, one of the most serious pollution event that happened in Taoyuan area.

In the time of The Legendary Economic Miracle of Taiwan, many foreign corporations had come to Taiwan, and RCA was one of it. RCA, an abbreviation of Radio Corporation of America, is once the biggest appliances-manufacturing company in America. In 1967, it established the first factory of Taiwan in Taoyuan, and was taken over by Thomson Consumer Electronics in 1988. There is no doubt that the corporations promotes the development of industries of Taoyuan and economic progress, but at the same time pollution issues followed.
(This picture doesn't belong to me, it belong to: http://news.ltn.com.tw/news/focus/paper/872804 )
 The pollution scandal was exposed in June first, 1994. It was JHAO SHAO-KANG, the legislator at that time, held press conference to expose the truth which their factory had dug many deep well and poured toxic wastes like organic solvents leading to earth and groundwater pollution. According to the result the investigation team from Environmental Protection Administration had found, groundwater near the factory was polluted by 1,1-dichloroethane, 1,1-dichloroethylene, tetrachloroethylene, 1,1,1-trichloroethane and trichloroethylene. These volatile organic compounds were often used in electronics industry, it would threat the health of people who live there if they had drunk too much of water. Therefore the next day, groundwater was prohibited to drink. Another doctoral dissertation has mentioned that the contract signed by Thomson Consumer Electronics when buying RCA has refer to “not buying pollution.” That is, the corporation had already knew the land was polluted, but they mean to hide it. Due to RCA event, people who live near the factory can no longer use groundwater until the whole environment system restore to its original state. However, it takes much time to wait.

Moreover, RCA’s employees have high probability to contact pollutants which would influence health and even having cancer. According to Wikipedia, RCA in Taoyuan hire about 25 thousand employees, at least 1,375 out of 2,500 have suffered from cancer in 2001, and 216 had pass away. Many victims heard the truth from media of the cause of their illness. They established Victims of RCA Pollutions Self-Help Association and raised a legal plaint to Thomson Consumer Electronics and RCA in 1998. In 2015, Thomson Consumer Electronics and RCA have to pay 5 hundred 64 million to the victims.

RCA event is the most serious industrial injury event in history, the toxic not only bad influenced people who live nearby and employees in RCA, but also damaged the circumstance system in Taoyuan area. The event is an unforgivable wound for people live in Taoyuan and I believe there will be more event like this one. Nevertheless, with environmental consciousness nowadays, I also believe people can unite and solve the challenge as those employee did.

2016年5月30日 星期一

How To Eat Politely With Manners When Dinning At Fancy Restaurant

Have you ever had an experience of a date? I believe the answer is yes to most of people. It seems to be inevitable to take part in social occasion nowadays because human beings are social animals. However, have you ever had an experience of putting yourself on the spot since not knowing table manners? Think about it: everyone is watching you while you don’t know you just make a simple, little mistake. It must be embarrass, don’t it? Therefore, learning table manners are very important. Here’s some essential steps you have to follow.

First impression is the most important. Before dinning, not to be late and wearing appropriately are the basics. Also, to show the respect on your dating person, don’t use cellphone when others are talking. However, that is not enough. When being at table, to stay polite, eating chewing with your mouth closed and speak until you have swallowed all the food in your mouth are among all the table etiquette. More, be careful for nosily chewing or drinking soup. It is absolutely offensive to one's appreciation for the food. To make yourself polite and attractive, basic deportments and acting slightly would be necessary,

Next, in order not to make a fool of eating at fancy restaurant, remember the rule mentioned below. First, there are at so many tableware on the table that often make people confused, do you know when to use each of them? The answer is to use them by follow the sequence from the farthest to the nearest from your plate. For example, there are at least four dishes in a set, which are appetizer, soup, main course and dessert. From the farthest to the nearest from your plate, the tableware putting sequence on you left hand is salad fork, dinning fork and dessert fork; on the other side, soup spoon, tea spoon and dinning knife. The rule seem to be complicated, but it is not that hard as you thought actually.

(The picture doesn't belong to me, it belongs to this website: http://dining-etiquette-08.blogspot.tw/2010/08/how-to-use-your-silverware-and.html)

Sometimes, dinning out would be an unavoidable event. No matter it is a date or a formal occasion, knowing some basic manners, including acting slightly and eating rules is very important. Next time when you have an opportunity to dine at fancy restaurant, remember these precautions, make yourself an elegant person and having a big meal!

2016年4月12日 星期二

My Favorite Sight

  Before I was fifteen, I thought those magnificent sights were all in nature in foreign countries. Seeing the pictures of pretty view, it feels pity that I couldn’t live in another place like America, Australia or Japan. Somehow I forgot my own proud to my country, and I ignore how beautiful my culture can be.

  When I was fifteen, I went to Jiu fen Old Street with my friend. I was not expect the trip this time since I had had bad memories about it before. It was a hot summer day, crowded people like sardine squeeze themselves in a long, narrow alley. The smell of sweat and the noisy people made mixed together. So dizzy and so uncomfortable. All I want to do is to leave there as soon as possible. If it wasn’t my friend’s invitation, I would never go there twice again.

  Jiu fen Old Street is in mountain, public transportation there wasn’t very convenient, only few tourist bus would drive there. The road to Old Street was steep and twisted, the big metal box was wobble. Although it was a good weather, the beginning of the trip is too dangerous for us to think anything.

This time we went to other spots instead of the golden museum and Old Street. We got off at the first step, an abandoned building of coal industry. There seems only silence between the building and I. It looks enormous and stately while sun shone on it. It looks a little greyish blue as if the sky had colored it for years. I could imagine how prosperous here used to be, and now how lonely it was. The building has stayed on the mountain for over fifty years, it sees yin yang sea directly, the yellow and the blue merge; it breathes the air from the east bay, fresh and salty and sulfured; It listens to the song which birds and trees chorus. Like what I did. It was beautiful than any picture I have seen.

Before I was fifteen, I only been to Jiu fen Old Street and Gold Museum. Crowded, narrow and dizzy is the three negative words first come up to my mind when it comes to it. The building is neither natural, nor in foreign country. However, it was the representative of Jiu fen history, and it will be the first positive word of Jiu fen in my mind.

(These pictures don't belong to me, they belong to this website:【瑞芳九份景點】天空之城的傳奇。水金九-水湳洞十三層舊礦廠遺址)